Playing Your Way to Truth
Saturday October 29th, 2016

10am – 11:30am


41 Bd de Magenta

75010 Paris

Price: We are pleased to be able to offer you free access to this workshop.
+ This workshop can accommodate 10 participants.
To register, please send an email to
+ This workshop will take place in English.
Après plusieurs ateliers en français, cet atelier se déroulera en Anglais. D’autres ateliers en français suivront.

We are pleased to announce that Melanie Moser will be hosting a workshop at SEYMOUR+ on Saturday the 29th of October, 2016 from 10am-11:30am.
Many artists, musicians, writers, performers, tap into the flow when they are creating. To be ‘inspired’ is to be ‘filled with spirit’. They act instinctively, spontaneously – They are INSPIRED. They seem to have an uncanny ability to move from one word to another, from one note to another, from one step to another, from one brushstroke to another with great ease and almost completely without thought.
This ability is not unique to ‘artists’, it is available to all of us as human beings. It manifests itself most overtly when we act instinctively, when we reawaken our childlike senses, our beginner minds, our sense of freedom, of unfettered play. Through guided meditation and visualization exercises, this workshop will help you learn how to enhance your capacity to live from this state of deep, personal, inspiration. 
Melanie Moser has studied and trained with Ram Dass, Adyashanti, and senior Iyengar Yoga teacher, Bobby Clennell. She is trained in the tantra-based Living Meditation method (David Harshada Wagner) among other meditative, healing and yogic techniques. She is currently working on a short book about her personal retreat with Ram Dass and soon launching a podcast on Women and Spirituality for the BE HERE NOW NETWORK. She has taught regularly at The Deep End Club, an artist and activist shop in the East Village, along with special workshops at both the NY Botanical Garden and NYC Community Gardens.