Play From Your Fucking Heart: A Conversation with JERRY HYDE
Monday October 12th, 2015
41 Bd de Magenta
75010 Paris



JERRY HYDE defies categorization – psychotherapist, coach, guide, mentor.
His most apt calling card would likely read Psycho-Therapeutic Shamanic Coaching Guru. He’s trained in Tantra, been buried alive, fasted in the wilderness for days. He’s been working therapeutically for over 18 years now, offering creative therapy for creative people; he works from the ‘ledge beyond the ledge.’ In short, he’s Gonzo. Gonzo therapy is an irreverent and left-field approach with an emphasis on celebrating and revealing latent creativity. Based in London, Jerry’s international clientele is made up almost entirely from people in the arts. His book Play From Your Fucking Heart was published in 2014.
In this conversation, hosted by Melissa Unger, Jerry will discuss a number of topics linked to his practice and personal experience, including the importance of allowing time for stillness, altered states of consciousness and much more.
In this interactive evening, Jerry encourages you to question, to challenge, to live creatively on your terms … to go Gonzo.
++ Doors open at 7pm. The talk will begin promptly at 7:30pm.
Please note that due to space/seating constraints we may not be able to accommodate everyone.
Whatever happens – stay cool. Placid is the new punk.
Cette discussion sera en anglais. Au futur notre programmation alternera entre français et anglais.