Mindsurf 2012 Exhibition Catalogue

Surf Your Mind- A visit to the sea inside

Limited Edition of 100

12cm x 19cm

black & white

28 pages

Price: 10 euros (International shipping included)



This catalogue was published as a companion to:


MINDSURF– An evening celebrating the intersection of art & psychology


The event was a collaborative effort between Alix Janta-Polczynski co-founder of Art Barter and Melissa Unger, founder of Seymour. It took place on November 28th, 2012 at Galerie Christian Berst in Paris.

This catalogue presents selected submissions from Seymour’s interactive project SURF YOUR MIND- A free participatory project open to everyone which called for participants to explore their subconscious mind and creatively express the results of their journey. The project was launched in May of 2012. The deadline was set for November 1st, 2012.


Project participants featured in this catalogue


Jay Batlle

Black Goat Revival Collective

Zoe Clayton

Cate Halpin

Kate Hiley

Dawn Hoskins

Ana Karkar

Charlotte Le Hardy

Chase Martin

Laurie Massé

Jill Mulleady

Mia Pfeifer

Caroline Scheyven

Sofia Silva

Rachel Stuart

Nadine Stich

Emma Strangwayes-Booth

Alfredo Valle

Fiona Van Brabandt

David West


Special thanks to: Chase Kunz for allowing us to use his Mindwaves/Skull design. To discover more of his work, please visit: chasekunz.com